House and Lot for Sale at Suburban Heights Cainta RizalFlood Free LocationNear Starbucks Sierra Valleygolf Cainta
Lot area - 71.25 sqmFloor area - 129.75 sqm3 bedrooms1 maidsroom 3 toilet&bath1 car garage
Total Selling Price - 7,100,000.0030% Downpayment - 2,130,000Less reservation:100,000Net downpayment - 2,030,000 Cash or 3 months to pay - 676,666.67
70% BALANCE - 4,970,000PAYABLE IN Thru BANK FINANCING5 years to pay - 98,41210 years to pay - 57,70615 years to pay - 44,67220 years to pay - 38,532
Other expenses:*misc & transfer fee of title 6.5% on tcp*MOVE IN FEEmeralco=20,000water =25,000membership fee=10,000
Also, available:TCP - 6,500,000Lot Area - 67 sqmFloor Area - 99.502 Bedroom2Toilet & Bath1 Powder Room1 Car Garage
For Viewing and Reservation call or Txt:Ely Jumawan
Lot area - 71.25 sqmFloor area - 129.75 sqm3 bedrooms1 maidsroom 3 toilet&bath1 car garage
Total Selling Price - 7,100,000.0030% Downpayment - 2,130,000Less reservation:100,000Net downpayment - 2,030,000 Cash or 3 months to pay - 676,666.67
70% BALANCE - 4,970,000PAYABLE IN Thru BANK FINANCING5 years to pay - 98,41210 years to pay - 57,70615 years to pay - 44,67220 years to pay - 38,532
Other expenses:*misc & transfer fee of title 6.5% on tcp*MOVE IN FEEmeralco=20,000water =25,000membership fee=10,000
Also, available:TCP - 6,500,000Lot Area - 67 sqmFloor Area - 99.502 Bedroom2Toilet & Bath1 Powder Room1 Car Garage
For Viewing and Reservation call or Txt:Ely Jumawan