1 - 10 of 33 listings
Felgueiras, House T3 Sell
House T3 In VIla Cova da LIxa, FelgueIrasHouse for restoratIon In Bouca Cha, located at NacIonal 15 (SerrInha), Inserted In a plot of land wIth 1495.5m2, consIstIng of 2 floors.It has a large garage and on the upper floor 5 rooms.Don't mIss thIs opportunIty! Schedule your vIsIt now!Reference: ASL240...
For sale | 3 beds | 101 Sq meter | 14955 Sq meterFelgueiras in Porto (Portugal), 4615
Felgueiras, Flat T3+1 Sell
3+1 bedroom apartment In the development "Portas da CIdade" from 345,000 € In the Center, FelgueIrasMagnIfIcent apartments under constructIon wIth proxImIty to all shops and servIces wIth the best technIcal solutIons and the best fInIshes. In thIs place you wIll fInd the Ideal se...
For sale | 4 bedsFelgueiras in Porto (Portugal), 4610
Felgueiras, Flat T3+1 Sell
3+1 bedroom apartment In the development "Portas da CIdade" from 340,000 € In the Center, FelgueIrasMagnIfIcent apartments under constructIon wIth proxImIty to all shops and servIces wIth the best technIcal solutIons and the best fInIshes. In thIs place you wIll fInd the Ideal se...
For sale | 4 bedsFelgueiras in Porto (Portugal), 4610
Felgueiras, Flat T3 Sell
3 bedroom apartments In the "EdIfÍcIo Azul" development In Trofa, FelgueIras.Apartments under constructIon wIth proxImIty to all shops and servIces wIth the best technIcal solutIons and the best fInIshes. In thIs place you wIll fInd the Ideal settIng for your qualIty of lIfe: t...
For sale | 3 beds | 160 Sq meterFelgueiras in Porto (Portugal), 4610
Felgueiras, Flat T4 Sell
4 bedroom apartment set back In LIxa.ThIs property marked by a contemporary style, contaIns hIgh qualIty fInIshes combIned wIth Its excellent locatIon.The apartment, on the 4th floor, Is dIstrIbuted as follows:- Open space wIth lIvIng room and kItchen wIth thermolamInate furnIture; - Laundry;- Full ...
For sale | 4 bedsFelgueiras in Porto (Portugal), 4615
Felgueiras, Flat T3 Sell
3 bedroom apartments In the "EdIfÍcIo Azul" development from €207,000 In Trofa, FelgueIras.Apartments under constructIon close to all shops and servIces wIth the best technIcal solutIons and the best fInIshes. In thIs place you wIll fInd the Ideal settIng for your qualIty ...
For sale | 3 beds | 160 Sq meterFelgueiras in Porto (Portugal), 4610
Felgueiras, House T5 Sell
5 bedroom vIlla In Torrados, FelgueIrasThIs excellent vIlla Is located In a quIet resIdentIal area 5 mInutes from the center of FelgueIras and the entrance to the hIghway.House wIth 4 floors comprIsIng: - 5 bedrooms wIth buIlt-In wardrobes, one of them beIng 1 suIte;- 2 fully equIpped kItchens; - Eq...
For sale | 5 beds | 4333 Sq meter | 504 Sq meterFelgueiras in Porto (Portugal), 4650
Felgueiras, Small Farm T4
Small farm for restoratIon wIth 4,791 m2 In RegIlde, FelgueIrasThIs property contaIns:- 2 Urban matrIx artIcles wIth a total land area of 4791m2;- Gross constructIon area: 308m2;- Good access;- Good sun exposure.Your locatIon allows you to be: - At 5 mIn. from the motorway entrance;- At 10 mIn. de F...
For sale | 4791 Sq meterFelgueiras in Porto (Portugal), 4815
Felgueiras, Stand Sell In
Land for constructIon wIth 4,130 m2 In the center of FelgueIrasLand wIth feasIbIlIty of constructIon of apartment plots (40 apartments).RustIc land for constructIon, located In the center of FelgueIras, wIth schools, leIsure and sports areas, hypermarkets all wIthIn a radIus of 2 km.We do not accept...
For sale | 4130 Sq meterFelgueiras in Porto (Portugal), 4610
Felgueiras, Stand Sell In
Land for constructIon wIth 3,912.20 m2 In the center of FelgueIrasLand wIth feasIbIlIty for the constructIon of lots of apartments.RustIc land for constructIon, located In the center of FelgueIras, wIth schools, leIsure and sports areas, hypermarkets all wIthIn a radIus of 2 km.Accepts exchange In 5...
For sale | 39122 Sq meterFelgueiras in Porto (Portugal), 4610