Property Details:
- Have restroom - Up to 20-40 footer trucks - Along main roads - Approximately 8.8 km from sta. rita exit - Approximately 12 km from pulilan exit
To know more about this property, to inquire about other properties, and to schedule a site visit, INQUIRE NOW by contacting the number in this ad.
Disclaimer: The availability, price, appearance and all other information supplied in this document is subject to change without prior notice. For questions or clarifications encouraged to get in touch with usnewly bulit warehouse
- Have restroom - Up to 20-40 footer trucks - Along main roads - Approximately 8.8 km from sta. rita exit - Approximately 12 km from pulilan exit
To know more about this property, to inquire about other properties, and to schedule a site visit, INQUIRE NOW by contacting the number in this ad.
Disclaimer: The availability, price, appearance and all other information supplied in this document is subject to change without prior notice. For questions or clarifications encouraged to get in touch with usnewly bulit warehouse